25.06.2024 News

We Offer Two Places to Study at the Univer­sity of Coope­ra­tive Educa­tion, Saxony start­ing on 1 October 2024 and Look Forward to Recei­ving Your Application

We educate talents to secure our company’s growth and offer two vacant places to study at a univer­sity of coope­ra­tive educa­tion from 1 October 2024. Possi­ble places of study are the Univer­sity of Coope­ra­tive Educa­tion Glauchau (Study programme “Techni­sche Infor­ma­tik”) or the Univer­sity of Coope­ra­tive Educa­tion Dresden (Study programme “Infor­ma­ti­ons­tech­no­lo­gie – Informationstechnik”).

This start of the study programme marks a very special debut for students: from 1 January 2025, the Univer­sity of Coope­ra­tive Educa­tion, Saxony will be upgraded to the Duale Hochschule Sachsen (DHSN). Thus, students start­ing in October 2024 will already be students at the new Duale Hochschule Sachsen. The admis­sion requi­re­ments of the Univer­sity of Coope­ra­tive Educa­tion, Saxony will apply.

As the 15th state univer­sity in the Free State of Saxony with headquar­ters in Glauchau, it will – in parity with conven­tio­nal univer­sity degrees in Germany – award the univer­sity degree as acade­mic title. This way, gradua­tes may conti­nue with a Master’s degree programme after comple­ting their Bachelor’s degree, provi­ded the relevant entry requi­re­ments are met.

After successful comple­tion of your study programme and depen­ding on your perso­nal aptitude, you can expect a perma­nent position in our company with interesting and creative work tasks and perfor­­mance-based remune­ra­tion. Many former gradua­tes who are working for us will confirm this.

Please find further infor­ma­tion in our flyer:
BA studies flyer

If interes­ted, please contact us via email at karriere@proetcon.de.