We benefit from our well-founded knowledge in the field of compiler technology. We have been operating in this special field of computer science for 30 years. Research work under auspices of the chair “Programming Languages and Compiler” of the Technical University of Chemnitz/Karl-Marx-Stadt laid the foundation for our current scientific basis for compiler technology and parser technologies. Even today, collaborative engagement with universities and higher educational institutions keeps going in the form of external lectures, supervised diplomas, common research projects with the result that new scientific know-how flows directly into the company’s development work.
The Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft e.V. honours our long-term research work with various awards.
Zentrales Innovationsprogramm Mittelstand (ZIM):
Generic toolbox for automated data migration as part of a software migration
The aim of this research project is to take our proprietary technologies and tools for automated data migration to an enviable level of perfection. In particular, the focus is on improving the range of applicability of the tools for different platforms (BS2000, HPE NonStop, IBM Mainframe), programming languages (COBOL, PL/I, TAL, SPL) and file systems (e.g. LEASY [BS2000], Enscribe [HPE NonStop], IMS [IBM Mainframe]) without having to adapt the tools extensively for each new project. In this regard, we follow a generic approach.
The project results round off our pecBOX (pro et con – Toolbox for Software Migration), which comprises a set of tools supporting all components of migration (programming languages, job control languages, interfaces, file systems and middleware).
Term: 01 December 2015 – 30 November 2016
Funding authority: Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy
Zentrales Innovationsprogramm Mittelstand (ZIM):
Q‑MIG – Development of a quality-driven, generic tool chain for software migration
The aim of this research is to further develop existing individual tools up to a migration factory in order to achieve a drastic reduction of time and financial effort for the adaption of tools to individual customer projects. Yet another target of the project is to develop a quality control station that enables the measurement of quality of software migrations.
Thus, we can make quantitative statements emphasising the improvement of program quality achieved by the migration and the effort of migration projects in contrast to any redevelopment and introduction of standard software.
Term: 01 October 2013 – 30 March 2015
Partner: Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg, Department for Computer Science
Funding authority: Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Technology
Individual project funding:
MaTriX – Tool-based migration of proprietary, antiquated mask systems to modern, Web‑2.0‑based user interfaces
This project comprises the development of a system based on HTML, JavaScript and Ajax (Web 2.0) for GUIs on client-server systems. The main aim is to develop an alternative to proprietary systems, where the adaptation of the processing server programs connection via existing middleware should be avoided or it should only be minimal.
Financing: European Regional Development Fund (EFRE) and funds of the Free State of Saxony
KMU-innovativ, joint project:
SOAMIG – Migration of legacy software to service-oriented architectures
Subject of the research project SOAMIG is the software migration of legacy systems to service-oriented architectures. This project is aimed at developing a general procedure model for software migration by transformation of legacy systems to service-oriented architectures and, supporting the transformation by software tools.
Term: 01 April 2009 – 31 March 2011
Partner: Institute for Software Technology (IST) at the University of Koblenz-Landau, OFFIS e.V., Amadeus Germany GmbH
Funding authority: Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Technical conference “SOFTWARE-MIGRATION aktuell”
Against the backdrop of our company’s 20th anniversary, we organised the technical conference “SOFTWARE-MIGRATION aktuell”. Guests from the fields of research and industry were invited to this event.

At the event, interesting and exclusive lectures on the topic of software migration were presented. The conference programme also focused on reports based on experience of users who had already implemented migration projects successfully. In an exhibition held simultaneously, we presented our field-proven tools and technologies for software migration.
Technical conference for software migration
In cooperation with the TU Chemnitz and the German Informatics Society, we organised a series of technical conferences dealing with software migration.

These conferences formed a central platform for sharing views on software migration.
The presentations at the conference included university research findings and experience gained from real migration projects which evoked much interest among practitioners who happen to be planning migration projects. Furthermore, tools for supporting migration projects were presented.