

Thanks to its features to adapt to your inter­nal workflows, pecFLOW has capabi­li­ties to display your company’s struc­ture in detail, regar­ding its organi­sa­tio­nal struc­tures such as depart­ments, workgroups and employees. An optimi­sed view of indivi­dual work proces­ses is presen­ted by diffe­rent perspec­ti­ves to each parti­ci­pant. Thus, persons respon­si­ble have a compre­hen­sive overview of the tasks proces­sed by them. Team leaders, on the other hand, oversee outstan­ding issues of their working group.

A sophisti­ca­ted autho­ri­sa­tion and role concept integra­ted into pecFLOW allows each parti­ci­pant to use those functions that corre­spond to his/her field of work. Of course, pecFLOW takes into account legal regula­ti­ons such as GDPR or, offers you the possi­bi­lity to carry out the rights and role alloca­tion in tamper-proof security in tune with the two-person rule.


A worklist, which can be employee‑, depar­t­­ment- or company-related accor­ding to the access autho­ri­sa­tion, provi­des a fast and compre­hen­sive overview of open, defer­red and comple­ted tasks. As digital filing inclu­ding all proces­ses, incoming orders or requests, the worklist can also be used for distri­bu­ting such tasks to indivi­dual employees or workgroups. It becomes, there­fore, the central switching point in the entire workflow.

You can handle indivi­dual proces­ses and tasks using clear masks. In addition, pecFLOW provi­des you with homoge­neous access to all relevant documents indepen­dent of the type and its locali­sa­tion in the company or the inter­net. Tedious searching in the file explo­rer will become thus a thing of the past.

pecFLOW workflow manage­ment system users do not need a separate instal­la­tion of client software. pecFLOW is web-based and can there­fore be used in any known inter­net browser. Thanks to its modern layout, pecFLOW allows you ergono­mic working at all known termi­nal devices such as PC, smart­phone, tablet or other systems.


You can monitor and control workflows with pecFLOW. An integra­ted memory and escala­tion manage­ment ensures that tasks cannot be pushed aside, and planned appoint­ments can be kept. If there is a threat of delay, pecFLOW can cycli­cally inform all those invol­ved via email among other things. A traffic light system indica­tes possi­ble escala­ti­ons well in advance.

The routine concept that controls all workflows intern­ally ensures that tasks are forwarded from proces­sor to proces­sor or to other workgroups. Certainly, pecFLOW provi­des you with the option to inter­vene in single proces­ses individually.

The basis for our pecFLOW workflow manage­ment system is an intern­ally develo­ped workflow engine. It includes genera­li­sed compon­ents that are usually needed in any workflow project and thus can be used univer­sally. Based on this, we develop company-speci­­fic modules to model your inter­nal business proces­ses. The positive results of these proces­ses for you are the reduced costs while enhan­cing quality and flexi­bi­lity at the same time.


Data and documents are the focal point of all workflows. pecFLOW offers you the possi­bi­lity to store data in database systems accor­ding to your prefe­rence, such as Oracle, Db2 or Micro­soft SQL Server. pecFLOW also includes indepen­dent database solutions.

The document manager supports pecFLOW in a number of ways. You usually receive documents via diffe­rent paths such as email, fax, from custo­mer requests via web form or by post. The digiti­sing inter­face integra­ted into pecFLOW prepa­res the incoming data in such a way that they are stored in the worklist in homoge­nous form. Thus, manual, time-consum­ing and error-prone monito­ring of email accounts or fax machi­nes are comple­tely dispen­sed with.

pecFLOW also compre­hen­si­vely supports you in the field of document creation. Automa­ted genera­tion of PDF documents as well as document creation in the standard office formats are maste­red by pecFLOW.


Beyond its enorm­ous scope of perfor­mance, pecFLOW has the capabi­lity to integrate into your company-inter­nal IT landscape in multi­ple ways. You can add inter­faces to your existing systems very effici­ently. Speci­fi­cally, for pecFLOW, we have develo­ped tools for inter­face genera­tion that support all modern commu­ni­ca­tion techno­lo­gies such as REST or SOAP proto­cols. The bidirec­tional data exchange between pecFLOW and other appli­ca­ti­ons in your company can thus be carried out very conve­ni­ently, for example, for invoi­cing, for mail or fax dispatches or for tamper-proof long-time archi­ving of your documents.

Of course, also supported are pure database inter­faces as well as data trans­fer with the possi­bi­li­ties of file commu­ni­ca­tion or also any data trans­fer between pecFLOW and proprie­tary systems without standar­di­sed interfaces.


Statis­tics are an essen­tial basis for further optimi­sa­tion of workflows in your company in order to increase effec­ti­ve­ness or for strate­gic company planning, and pecFLOW also compre­hen­si­vely supports you in this field. The analy­sis of your data files, which, of course, are only acces­si­ble to those respon­si­ble with due autho­ri­sa­tion, provi­des you with detailed infor­ma­tion on diffe­rent key figures. In this regard, it is irrele­vant whether you expect that the results are prepared in graphi­cal or tabular form. pecFLOW offers you these options and, in addition, variants to export all results in known office formats or as PDF document.


Do you receive requests, appli­ca­ti­ons or messa­ges from your custo­mers and want to edit and manage them in your manage­ment workflow system, too? No problem. pecFLOW provi­des the suita­ble variants also in this field. Soluti­ons in the web environ­ment offer here the greatest poten­tial for infor­ma­tion exchange between you and your customer.

Web forms and masks for company-inter­nal working can thus also be provi­ded in analog­ous form for your custo­mers all over the world. The pecFLOW integra­ted security concept ensures a strict separa­tion between the customer’s inter­net and your company-inter­nal intra­net platform. In addition, the legal requi­re­ments of data protec­tion are taken into account.

To reach custo­mers all over the world, pecFLOW has the possi­bi­li­ties to commu­ni­cate all infor­ma­tion in any language.


Just as pecFLOW connects you with your custo­mers, there is also the possi­bi­lity to contact us as the develo­per of pecFLOW. For that purpose, pecFLOW uses an integra­ted ticket system by which you can forward messa­ges, propo­sals and recom­men­da­ti­ons to us for further develo­p­ment or adaption. We assure you a rapid and prompt proces­sing of your concerns.