
Respon­si­ble for this offer accor­ding to § 5 TMG, § 55 RStV:

Innova­tive Infor­ma­tik­an­wen­dun­gen GmbH

Reichen­hai­ner Straße 29a
c/o Pegasus Center
09126 Chemnitz

Phone: +49 371 270951–0
Fax: +49 371 270951–29

Regis­ter of compa­nies: Chemnitz District Court – HRB 9913
VAT number: DE163285954

CEO: Prof. Dr. Uwe Kaiser

Respon­si­ble for the content: Prof. Dr. Uwe Kaiser


pro et con is not willing or obliged to parti­ci­pate in dispute resolu­tion procee­dings before a consu­mer arbitra­tion board. 



The data and infor­ma­tion included in the websites of pro et con are inves­ti­ga­ted and checked with due diligence. pro et con doesn’t assume any liabi­lity for currency, correct­ness and comple­ten­ess of the presen­ted information.

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The company pro et con reser­ves the right to modifi­cate or complete the presen­ted infor­ma­tion at any time or to discon­ti­nue the publi­ca­tion occasio­nally or finally. 

Referen­ces and links

The offer of pro et con conta­ins hyper­links to exter­nal third-party websites, which are outside of pro et con’s reach. The respec­tive provi­der or carrier is in charge of the content of these sites. pro et con assumes no liabi­lity for contents of third-party websites and offers no guaran­tee for their currency, correct­ness and comple­ten­ess. At the time of linking no unlawful contents were visible. Herewith pro et con in parti­cu­lar disso­cia­tes from all contents of the linked websites, which were modified after the linking. pro et con will delete the link to the respec­tive infor­ma­tion immedia­tely at cogni­tion of infringement. 


The company pro et con strives to respect the copyrights of the used graphics and texts within all publi­ca­ti­ons resp. to use self-made and license free graphics and texts. pro et con will immedia­tely remove the respec­tive contents upon disco­very of infringements.

All mentio­ned and if neces­sary third-party copyrigh­ted labels and trade­marks within the inter­net presen­ta­tion of pro et con are subject absolut­ely to the restric­tions of the respec­tive valid trade­mark right and to the owner­ship rights of the respec­tive incor­po­ra­ted owner. Their repro­duc­tion is not carried out under copyright or trade­mark law. Only due to the merely mention it can’t be concluded that trade­marks are not saved by third-party rights!

The self-made contents, objects and the layout of the website published by pro et con are subject to the German copyright. The dupli­ca­tion, modifi­ca­tion and distri­bu­tion of infor­ma­tion or data, especi­ally the using of texts or graphic material requi­res the expli­cit prece­ding agree­ment of pro et con. 

Legal effici­ency

This disclai­mer has to be respec­ted as a part of pro et con’s inter­net offer. In the case some part or single formu­la­ti­ons within the text do not fit, do no longer fit or do not comple­tely fit the valid legal position, the content and the validity of the remai­ning parts of the document will remain unaffected.