12.12.2023 News

Trade Fair Event “IT für Versi­che­run­gen”: pro et con parti­ci­pa­ted as Exhibi­tor and Speaker

On 28 and 29 Novem­ber 2023, the 15th “IT für Versi­che­run­gen” (IT for Insurance Compa­nies) trade fair congress was held at the Congress Center Leipzig (CCL).

In the lecture “Software migration at SüdLea­sing: from COBOL to Java – agile and automa­tic”, Denis Uhlig from pro et con and Sebas­tian Seek from PROMASE Consul­ting (who formerly worked at SüdLea­sing) presen­ted a successful COBOL->Java migration project.

The relevance of this topic was reflec­ted by the dedica­ted “Moder­ni­sa­tion of legacy systems” forum, which was held in the main lecture hall. Our lecture, which stood out by presen­ting a speci­fic, successfully comple­ted project, met with a great response. This did not only become evident by the lively parti­ci­pa­tion of the audience in the follo­wing Q&A session, but also by the visitors, who immedia­tely came to our booth. They took the oppor­tu­nity to watch a live migration and expres­sed interest in future colla­bo­ra­ti­ons and projects.

The evening event in the VIP area of the Red Bull Arena offered further oppor­tu­ni­ties for networking.

This trade fair congress is one of the IT highlights of the year. It aims at IT managers in the insurance indus­try and includes, besides a specia­list exhibi­tor fair, a top-class lecture programme with selec­ted speakers.

Infor­ma­tion on the trade fair congress can be found here. Our YouTube presen­ta­tion offers insights into our work in the field of software migration.