15.03.2023 News

WSRE Anniver­sary: pro et con parti­ci­pa­tes with a Lecture at the 25th Workshop “Software Reengi­nee­ring & Evolu­tion” (WSRE)

Physik­zen­trum Bad Honnef

The workshop “Software Reengi­nee­ring & Evolu­tion” (WSRE) is the most important German-speaking forum on software moder­ni­sa­tion, reengi­nee­ring and mainten­ance. It takes place at the Physik­zen­trum Bad Honnef on an annual basis. The workshop is organised by the GI specia­list group “Software-Reengi­­nee­ring” and, in this anniver­sary year, brought together scien­tists and practice repre­sen­ta­ti­ves to exchange experi­en­ces for the 25th time already.

pro et con took part with one lecture:

Mr Bauer spoke about the tool-based refac­to­ring of Java programs, which were automa­ti­cally genera­ted from COBOL programs in a migration project. The goal is to improve maintaina­bi­lity and program under­stan­ding of Java programs.

In the context of the anniver­sary, compa­nies and indivi­du­als distin­gu­is­hing themsel­ves by a parti­cu­larly active parti­ci­pa­tion over the past 25 years were honou­red. Thus, pro et con ranked 3rd among the most active compa­nies, with a total of 42 parti­ci­pa­ti­ons. Uwe Erdmen­ger, our employee, ranked 2nd with 22 parti­ci­pa­ti­ons and was honou­red with the induc­tion into a “virtual hall of fame”.

A panel discus­sion, a visit to a winery inclu­ding wine tasting and a confe­rence dinner in the evening rounded off the workshop.

In summary, it was a successful event, which gave room for the presen­ta­tion of research findings and the exchange of scien­ti­fic views.