31.01.2025 News

pro et con won tender for the “Moder­ni­sa­tion of the Dunning Proce­dure 20–30” project for the Oberlan­des­ge­richt Stuttgart

pro et con has won a tender for the reali­sa­tion of the “Moder­ni­sa­tion of the Dunning Proce­dure 20–30” project for the Oberlan­des­ge­richt Stutt­gart and prevai­led against numerous competitors.

The complex project includes the trans­for­ma­tion of the digiti­sed court dunning proce­du­res by the restruc­tu­ring of data storage to relatio­nal databa­ses and the change of technology from COBOL and Natural to more modern programming languages such as Java.

The contract has a term of four years with the option of two one-year exten­si­ons. We are looking forward to this challen­ging project and to a successful colla­bo­ra­tion with the Oberlan­des­ge­richt Stuttgart.