05.06.2024 News

30 years of pro et con GmbH – a look back at our anniver­sary event

On 25 April 2024, we celebra­ted our 30th anniver­sary with long-standing custo­mers and partners from research and industry.

After a champa­gne recep­tion, we reviewed the history of pro et con with selec­ted speeches and honours for our three jubila­ri­ans (30 and 25 years with the company). This was rounded off by a varied buffet, provi­ding an oppor­tu­nity for lively discussions.

Just like Goethe once did in Leipzig, we enjoyed a festive dinner event in the famous Auerbachs Keller. Apart from the culinary special­ties, our guests were parti­cu­larly impres­sed by the top-notch perfor­mance of “Fasskel­ler­meis­ter” / “Mephisto” Hartmut Müller.

Comment from guests: “We already had high expec­ta­ti­ons of the event in advance, but you even excee­ded them. The whole event was absolut­ely fantastic”.

We would like to thank everyone invol­ved for making this day such a special experience.