Successful migration project
“Moder­ni­sa­tion of user inter­faces“
at MAN Truck & Bus SE

Logo MAN Truck & Bus SE
MAN Truck & Bus SE is a provi­der for trans­port soluti­ons and one of the leading commer­cial vehicle manufac­tu­r­ers in the European area. The product portfo­lio includes trucks, buses and vans as well as diesel and gas engines.

Chemnitz and Munich, Germany – 16 January 2014:

We, the company pro et con Innova­tive Infor­ma­tik­an­wen­dun­gen GmbH, leader of technology in the field of software migration, and the MAN Truck & Bus SE today announ­ced the successful comple­tion of a common software migration project.

Content of the project reali­sed in the term July to Decem­ber 2013 was the automa­tic migration of simple, text-orien­­ted screen masks into modern, user-friendly, graphic-orien­­ted user inter-faces. Thereby our echno­lo­gies and tools were used.

The highly complex program systems “WMX2000”, used in the Munich plant, plan, control and monitor the produc­tion proces­ses in truck and bus produc­tion. Ca. 800 ASCII-based screen masks offer the possi­bi­lity to get infor­ma­tion about the produc­tion process and to control this. This screen masks worked over decades robust, but regar­ding design and user guidance before the moder­ni­sa­tion they didn’t meet current requi­re­ments any longer.

The migration tool MaTriX (Mask Trans­for­ma­tion Toolbox) develo­ped by us reali­ses the moder­ni­sa­tion of the no longer up-to-date, ASCII-orien­­ted screen masks essen­ti­ally automa­tic. This signi­fi­cantly reduces the project costs and the project term in compa­ri­son with a manual conversion.

”The new inter­faces available after the migration not only comply with the modern MAN-CI, but further­more offer all elements of a modern user inter­ac­tion”, comments Curd Maier, Head of CC Produc­tion Planning & ontrol and project manager at MAN. “So on the one hand modern function­a­li­ties for display­ing and proces­sing the produc­­tion-relevant infor­ma­tion are available, on the other hand an optimi­sa­tion and flexi­bi­li­sa­tion of the system archi­tec­ture is reached.”