19.06.2023 News

pro et con is commis­sio­ned to imple­ment the Online Access Act for the ZEBRA and BIBER proce­du­res of ITZBund

Under the Online Access Act (Online­zu­gangs­ge­setz – OZG) of 14 August 2017, German public autho­ri­ties at federal, state and munici­pal level are requi­red to offer their services digitally via adminis­tra­tive portals.

In colla­bo­ra­tion with the central IT service provi­der of the federal govern­ment, ITZBund (Infor­ma­ti­ons­tech­nik­zen­trum Bund), pro et con will realise the fourth stage of the Online Access Act for the ZEBRA (Zentra­li­sie­rung des Brennens unter Abfin­dung – centra­li­sa­tion of distil­ling under compen­sa­tion payment) and BIBER (Berech­nung der Bier- und Brannt­wein­steuer – calcu­la­tion of tax on beer and spirits) proce­du­res. The goal is to fully digita­lise public services inclu­ding the automa­ted retrie­val of existing user regis­try verifications.

In 2022, pro et con already successfully imple­men­ted stage 3 by expan­ding the ZEBRA proce­dure to link to the adminis­tra­tive portal (for more infor­ma­tion, see the ITZBund press release and our news). Since then, appli­ca­ti­ons for compen­sa­tion payments can be submit­ted online via the citizen and commer­cial custo­mer portal, without the need of postal requests.

The inter­nal proces­sing, however, initi­ally remained largely unchan­ged and thus requi­res a high degree of manual effort. This is about to change in the fourth expan­sion stage (OZG4). Then, data from the portal will be automa­ti­cally accepted and proces­sed via the indivi­dual procedures.