

Main building of the TU Chemnitz


We benefit from our well-founded knowledge in the field of compi­ler technology. We have been opera­ting in this special field of compu­ter science for 30 years. Research work under auspi­ces of the chair “Programming Languages and Compi­ler” of the Techni­cal Univer­sity of Chemni­t­­z/­­Karl-Marx-Stadt laid the founda­tion for our current scien­ti­fic basis for compi­ler technology and parser techno­lo­gies. Even today, colla­bo­ra­tive engage­ment with univer­si­ties and higher educa­tio­nal insti­tu­ti­ons keeps going in the form of exter­nal lectures, super­vi­sed diplo­mas, common research projects with the result that new scien­ti­fic know-how flows directly into the company’s develo­p­ment work.

The Stifter­ver­band für die Deutsche Wissen­schaft e.V. honours our long-term research work with various awards.

Zertifikat über die Erhebung über Forschung und Entwicklung (FuE) 2023 des Stifterverbands






Zentra­les Innova­ti­ons­pro­gramm Mittel­stand (ZIM):
Generic toolbox for automa­ted data migration as part of a software migration

The aim of this research project is to take our proprie­tary techno­lo­gies and tools for automa­ted data migration to an envia­ble level of perfec­tion. In parti­cu­lar, the focus is on impro­ving the range of appli­ca­bi­lity of the tools for diffe­rent platforms (BS2000, HPE NonStop, IBM Mainframe), programming languages (COBOL, PL/I, TAL, SPL) and file systems (e.g. LEASY [BS2000], Enscribe [HPE NonStop], IMS [IBM Mainframe]) without having to adapt the tools exten­si­vely for each new project. In this regard, we follow a generic approach.

The project results round off our pecBOX (pro et con – Toolbox for Software Migration), which compri­ses a set of tools support­ing all compon­ents of migration (programming languages, job control languages, inter­faces, file systems and middleware).

Term: 01 Decem­ber 2015 – 30 Novem­ber 2016
Funding autho­rity: Federal Minis­try for Econo­mic Affairs and Energy


Zentra­les Innova­ti­ons­pro­gramm Mittel­stand (ZIM):
Q‑MIG – Develo­p­ment of a quality-driven, generic tool chain for software migration

The aim of this research is to further develop existing indivi­dual tools up to a migration factory in order to achieve a drastic reduc­tion of time and finan­cial effort for the adaption of tools to indivi­dual custo­mer projects. Yet another target of the project is to develop a quality control station that enables the measu­re­ment of quality of software migrations.

Thus, we can make quanti­ta­tive state­ments empha­sis­ing the impro­ve­ment of program quality achie­ved by the migration and the effort of migration projects in contrast to any redeve­lo­p­ment and intro­duc­tion of standard software.

Term: 01 October 2013 – 30 March 2015
Partner: Carl von Ossietzky Univer­sity of Olden­burg, Depart­ment for Compu­ter Science
Funding autho­rity: Federal Minis­try for Econo­mic Affairs and Technology

Indivi­dual project funding:
MaTriX – Tool-based migration of proprie­tary, antiqua­ted mask systems to modern, Web‑2.0‑based user interfaces

This project compri­ses the develo­p­ment of a system based on HTML, JavaScript and Ajax (Web 2.0) for GUIs on client-server systems. The main aim is to develop an alter­na­tive to proprie­tary systems, where the adapt­a­tion of the proces­sing server programs connec­tion via existing middle­ware should be avoided or it should only be minimal. 


Term: 01 October 2011 – 30 Septem­ber 2012
Finan­cing: European Regio­nal Develo­p­ment Fund (EFRE) and funds of the Free State of Saxony
Further infor­ma­tion: MaTriX

KMU-innova­­tiv, joint project:
SOAMIG – Migration of legacy software to service-orien­­ted architectures

Subject of the research project SOAMIG is the software migration of legacy systems to service-orien­­ted archi­tec­tures. This project is aimed at develo­ping a general proce­dure model for software migration by trans­for­ma­tion of legacy systems to service-orien­­ted archi­tec­tures and, support­ing the trans­for­ma­tion by software tools.

Term: 01 April 2009 – 31 March 2011
Partner: Insti­tute for Software Technology (IST) at the Univer­sity of Koblenz-Landau, OFFIS e.V., Amadeus Germany GmbH
Funding autho­rity: Federal Minis­try of Educa­tion and Research



Techni­cal confe­rence “SOFTWARE-MIGRATION aktuell”

Against the backdrop of our company’s 20th anniver­sary, we organised the techni­cal confe­rence “SOFTWARE-MIGRATION aktuell”. Guests from the fields of research and indus­try were invited to this event.

At the event, interes­t­ing and exclu­sive lectures on the topic of software migration were presen­ted. The confe­rence programme also focused on reports based on experi­ence of users who had already imple­men­ted migration projects successfully. In an exhibi­tion held simul­ta­neously, we presen­ted our field-proven tools and techno­lo­gies for software migration.

Techni­cal confe­rence for software migration

In coope­ra­tion with the TU Chemnitz and the German Infor­ma­tics Society, we organised a series of techni­cal confe­ren­ces dealing with software migration.


These confe­ren­ces formed a central platform for sharing views on software migration.

The presen­ta­ti­ons at the confe­rence included univer­sity research findings and experi­ence gained from real migration projects which evoked much interest among practi­tio­ners who happen to be planning migration projects. Further­more, tools for support­ing migration projects were presented.