30.09.2020 News

Project Start: Together With SüdLea­sing GmbH, pro et con Imple­ments a Complex Migration Project From COBOL to Java

SüdLea­sing GmbH opera­tes a typical legacy system. Mapping the essen­tial function­a­lity, the back end consists of COBOL programs which have been in use for decades. During this long period, the system has been constantly maintai­ned and exten­ded with further function­a­li­ties. In order to ensure future mainten­ance and develo­p­ment, SüdLea­sing started a moder­ni­sa­tion project.

The project invol­ves the repla­ce­ment of the histo­ri­cal COBOL programs by Java, the substi­tu­tion of the antiqua­ted masks by browser-based web inter­faces and the migration of the proprie­tary middle­ware into a modern spring architecture.

The choice was pro et con for being a technology-orien­­ted and experi­en­ced partner for software migration. pro et con has also proved its compe­tence parti­cu­larly in tool-based COBOL-Java conver­si­ons in successful major projects on several occasions.

The migration project follo­wed a defined plan:

  • Initi­ally, a joint study was under­ta­ken using the analy­sis tools of pro et con. The study provi­ded resour­ces, cost and time estima­tes for the project.
  • The subse­quent proof of concept included the migration of selec­ted, typical compon­ents in the form of a verti­cal proto­ty­p­ing (masks, programs, middle­ware). The results confirmed the sustaina­bi­lity of the tool-based approach. In paral­lel, the migration tools were further develo­ped and the concrete project condi­ti­ons were set down.
  • After start­ing of the total project, SüdLea­sing assumed the respon­si­bi­lity of running the complex tests, the opera­tion of the infra­struc­ture and the overall coordi­na­tion of the project. pro et con carried out the actual migration activities.