

We consis­t­ently promote education/training to secure our company’s growth. So every year, we offer a chance to study at the Saxony Coope­ra­tive State Univer­sity (Duale Hochschule Sachsen – DHSN) for two candi­da­tes. Possi­ble places of study are:

  • Glauchau (Study programme “Techni­sche Infor­ma­tik”) and
  • Dresden (Study programme “Infor­ma­ti­ons­tech­nik”).

Note: on 1 January 2025, the Duale Hochschule Sachsen became the legal succes­sor to Berufs­aka­de­mie Sachsen. The seven study acade­mies will remain united under the umbrella of the new univer­sity. As the 15th state univer­sity in the Free State of Saxony with headquar­ters in Glauchau, it will – in parity with conven­tio­nal univer­sity degrees in Germany – award the univer­sity degree as acade­mic title. This way, gradua­tes may conti­nue with a Master’s degree programme after comple­ting their Bachelor’s degree.

After successful comple­tion of your study programme and depen­ding on your perso­nal aptitude, you can expect a perma­nent position in our company with interes­t­ing and creative work tasks and perfor­­mance-based remune­ra­tion. Many former gradua­tes who are working for us will confirm this.

You will find more infor­ma­tion in our flyer:

We successfully comple­ted the evalua­tion proce­dure as accre­di­ted practice partner of the Univer­sity of Coope­ra­tive Educa­tion of the state of Saxony.


Are you looking for a job as a working student and do you want to combine the theory you have learned during your studies with interes­t­ing and creative tasks in practi­cal appli­ca­tion? Then you are at the right place!

To streng­then our team, we look for working students in the field of compu­ter science. You can expect an interes­t­ing work environ­ment with quali­fied advisors.

After successful comple­tion of your study programme and depen­ding on your perso­nal aptitude, we can offer you the position of a perma­nent employee with a challen­ging area of work and perfor­­mance-based remuneration.

What we expect from you:

  • Ongoing study of compu­ter science, applied compu­ter science or equivalent
  • Autono­mous and target-orien­­ted approach to work, perso­nal initiative
  • Willing­ness to learn, motiva­tion and interest
  • Capacity for teamwork


Are you in your final lap of studies in compu­ter science and do you want to complete your studies with a deman­ding thesis that combi­nes theory and practice? With a practice-orien­­ted thesis, you are set on a decisive course for your future career.

We will enable you to select an interes­t­ing topic from a series of currently oppor­tune topics in our company and to process it with neces­sary theore­ti­cal background. Of course, we are also interes­ted in appli­ca­ti­ons that are combi­ned with a concrete topic propo­sed by you. If your idea is attrac­tive for us, we will thrash out the contents and cobble up a timeta­ble together with you.

Quali­fied super­vi­sion and a perso­nal contact person during the complete proces­sing period of your bachelor/master or diploma thesis are a matter of course for us. In addition, you will gain insight into the struc­tures and proces­ses of our company as the topic is being proces­sed. After successful comple­tion of your study programme and depen­ding on your perso­nal aptitude, we offer you the position of a perma­nent employee with a challen­ging area of work and perfor­­mance-based remuneration.


Home office
Whether you prefer working on-site or from home – the choice is yours. Of course we will also provide you with modern software and hardware at your home office.

Health & provi­sion
Upon perma­nent employ­ment, we support you with a recup­er­a­tion allowance and a company pension scheme.

Team events
At least twice a year, we organise team events for the whole company. We see this as a great way to streng­then our team spirit and to enjoy conver­sa­ti­ons across all teams in a relaxed atmosphere.

Team lunch
Once a month, we organise a collec­tive lunch at our company, where you can freely choose between pizza, noodles or salad.

Advan­ced training
We want to give our employees the chance to conti­nu­ally expand their horizon. Thus, every employee has the oppor­tu­nity to parti­ci­pate in training courses. 

Free bever­a­ges
We provide you with free bever­a­ges like mineral water and coffee of your choice.



Nils B.
Full stack developer

“From 2018 to 2021, I studied at the BA Glauchau with pro et con as practice partner. During this time, I was able to work on interes­t­ing and deman­ding tasks in the company. After successful comple­tion of my studies in October 2021, I have been invol­ved in other innova­tive topics and exciting projects for high-profile customers.”

Prova A.
Full stack developer

“Since my Master’s degree at the TU Chemnitz, I have been working as full stack develo­per at pro et con. Right from the start as a working student, pro et con proved to be a company that values my skills and offers a multi­tude of oppor­tu­ni­ties to grow and learn. I was soon able to expand my knowledge and work with experts on a high level.”

Denis U.
Project manager

“I studied at the Univer­sity of Coope­ra­tive Educa­tion Glauchau with pro et con as practice partner. Since 2006, I have been working here, initi­ally as develo­per and currently as project manager. Moreo­ver, I bear great respon­si­bi­lity for the successful execu­tion of projects. If you are looking for interes­t­ing, profes­sio­nally deman­ding tasks combi­ned with working in partner­ship, our company will be the right place for you.”

Are you interes­ted in infor­ma­tion about salaries and our corpo­rate culture? On the kununu rating portal, you will find exciting insights and other ratings from our employees.

We were honou­red as best employer for the 4th time in a row. This means we are again among the most popular 5% of appro­xi­m­ately one million compa­nies listed on kununu!

The latest infor­ma­tion on our “Top Company 2025” award is available in our news.


If interes­ted, please get in touch with our contact person Annette-Diana Majchro­wicz via phone or email.

Phone:    +49 371 270951–20
Fax:          +49 371 270951–29