

Workflows that partly reach a high degree of comple­xity are day-to-day business in every company. But for the efficacy of modern IT soluti­ons, these proces­ses would be scarcely or partly not manageable at all. Workflow manage­ment systems take over the control of such processes.

For selec­tion and use of poten­tial systems, you as the user are faced with the predi­ca­ment that the company’s inter­nal proces­ses need to be restruc­tu­red someti­mes comple­tely and capital-inten­­si­­vely in order to meet the requi­re­ments of standard software. 

pro et con Software Migration Digitalisierung pecFLOW

However, our workflow manage­ment system pecFLOW will strike a balance with your requi­re­ments and offer you a maximum possi­ble degree of automa­tion with maximum indivi­dua­lity at minimal invest­ment so that you are able to model your proces­ses with a future-proof and effici­ent strategy.

By deploy­ing our techno­lo­gies of agile software develo­p­ment, we will make sure that your requi­re­ments are met promptly, robustly and relia­bly in order to sustain­ably streng­then the perfor­mance of your company in a compe­ti­tive environment.

Not only compa­nies, but also public autho­ri­ties see digita­li­sa­tion as a leverage effect that needs to be driven forward. To remain future-proof and compe­ti­tive, the German govern­ment, for example, has formu­la­ted and imple­men­ted a wide range of measu­res for the digital trans­for­ma­tion of public adminis­tra­tion. These create the neces­sary condi­ti­ons for estab­li­shing effici­ent, compre­hen­sive and dialo­­gue-based proces­ses that signi­fi­cantly improve the every­day lives of citizens. The largest moder­ni­sa­tion project in public adminis­tra­tion since the founda­tion of the Federal Republic of Germany was launched with the Online Access Act (Online­zu­gangs­ge­setz – OZG). Together with the ITZBund (Infor­ma­ti­ons­tech­nik­zen­trum Bund), the central IT service provi­der of the federal govern­ment, pro et con has made a signi­fi­cant contri­bu­tion to the reali­sa­tion of this milestone.