Workflows that partly reach a high degree of complexity are day-to-day business in every company. But for the efficacy of modern IT solutions, these processes would be scarcely or partly not manageable at all. Workflow management systems take over the control of such processes.
For selection and use of potential systems, you as the user are faced with the predicament that the company’s internal processes need to be restructured sometimes completely and capital-intensively in order to meet the requirements of standard software.
However, our workflow management system pecFLOW will strike a balance with your requirements and offer you a maximum possible degree of automation with maximum individuality at minimal investment so that you are able to model your processes with a future-proof and efficient strategy.
By deploying our technologies of agile software development, we will make sure that your requirements are met promptly, robustly and reliably in order to sustainably strengthen the performance of your company in a competitive environment.
Not only companies, but also public authorities see digitalisation as a leverage effect that needs to be driven forward. To remain future-proof and competitive, the German government, for example, has formulated and implemented a wide range of measures for the digital transformation of public administration. These create the necessary conditions for establishing efficient, comprehensive and dialogue-based processes that significantly improve the everyday lives of citizens. The largest modernisation project in public administration since the foundation of the Federal Republic of Germany was launched with the Online Access Act (Onlinezugangsgesetz – OZG). Together with the ITZBund (Informationstechnikzentrum Bund), the central IT service provider of the federal government, pro et con has made a significant contribution to the realisation of this milestone.