Each of our migration projects follows a defined process. Every stage can be considered as a joint project between our customer and us. The following figure illustrates the process from a workshop to refactoring:The individual steps are as follows:
- workshop: once you have shown interest in a joint migration project with us, we hold an all-day workshop together. Here, you can present your current legacy system and outline your requirements and ideas concerning a software migration. We will present our technologies and tools. If you provide us with selected sources of your system (e.g. COBOL programmes, screen descriptions, …), we will demonstrate the migration process based on your sources. In consequence, we will decide if the next step of the cooperation, which involves the preparation of a study, will be made together.
- study: having agreed on further cooperation, we will prepare a study which will essentially touch on the following points:
- detailed compilation of the legacy system to be migrated, including its application statistics
- defining the target system (hardware, architecture, application server, programming and script languages, frameworks etc.)
- identifying the migration paths between legacy and target systems. Among other things, the effort needed to adapt the existing tools to the concrete project requirements or, as the case may be, to develop new tools, is assessed.
- outlining the distribution of tasks required for the project between the partners concerned
- determining the effort (costs) and duration of the project as essential results of the study
- pilot project: based on the results of the study, a pilot project (proof of concept) will be initiated, which will implement a vertical prototype (screen, server, database) at a selected subset of approximately 20 % of the legacy system in order to verify the chosen migration technology and the tools used. Depending on the outcome, these tools are readjusted if needed.
- pre-engineering: in parallel to the pilot project, you will clean up the system to be migrated (“pre-engineering before migrating”). In this step, the term “pre-engineering” means that re-engineering tasks are carried out ahead of the actual migration. Experience from previous projects has shown that the application statistics to be migrated are reduced by approximately 10–15 %.
- migration project: after these steps of systematic preparation, the joint migration project is launched. We offer this for a fixed price, identified in the study. During the migration project, no code freeze is required. Programmes that have already been migrated and are subject to further development as part of general maintenance can be migrated again at any time. This ensures a continued maintenance and an uninterrupted operation of your existing system. Refactorisation is an important part of every migration phase. With a focus on software migration, refactorisation is defined as an automatic, tool-based revision of the Java code resulting from the 1:1 migration from COBOL. A refactorisation is only carried out on functioning Java code that has already been tested after the actual conversion. The result of the refactorisation is based on general Java design principles. Customers can submit their own design requirements for the refactorisation, which are then implemented by calibrating the migration tools. Upon project completion, both the original programme system and the system resulting from the migration have an identical, up-to-date development status.
All of our previous projects have been completed successfully – on time and on budget.
“Migration des Südleasing COBOL-Kernbanken-Systems nach JAVA mit einem iterativ-inkrementellen Ansatz”
Abstract for 24th “Workshop Software-Reengineering & Evolution” 2–4 May 2022 in Bad Honnef, published in:
Softwaretechnik-Trends, volume 42, part 2, May 2022
“Jedes COBOL-Java-Migrationsprojekt birgt neue Überraschungen”
Abstract for 24th “Workshop Software-Reengineering & Evolution” 2–4 May 2022 in Bad Honnef, published in:
Softwaretechnik-Trends, volume 42, part 2, May 2022
“Toolbasierte Software-Migration nach Plan”
Abstract for 18th “Workshop Software-Reengineering & Evolution” 2–4 May 2016 in Bad Honnef, published in:
Softwaretechnik-Trends, volume 36, part 2, May 2016
“Aus Alt mach Neu – automatisch! Migrationsprojekte erfolgreich planen und realisieren”
Article by Dr. Uwe Kaiser (pro et con), published in:
Business Technology, release 03/2014, page 41